Nils Holgersson, a Swedish boy
Thumbietot, the elf
Akka, the goose leader
Wind Rush, a crew wild crow
Jarro, the wild duck
The Novel:
Little Nils, a little Swedish boy, was turning selfish to his parents and neighbourhood people, and even cruel to his friends. Suddenly he discovered himself transformed into an elf doomed to travel everywhere.
One day he was riding on the back of Akka, the goose leader, which took him from country to country; showed him foreign people and children being kind to one another. Nils found him with birds and animals, learned how they lived, and how they could be friends of people if only little boys didn’t catch or shoot them.
The goose took him also to cities with castles and palaces, showed him kings, queens and dukes and barons; to farms, mining and logging camps where laborers worked hard yet helped one another in great friendliness. Nils finally understood that the world is inhabited by good people, not merely by some who are selfish and think only of themselves.
Learning his lesson, Nils was transformed again into his usual self, returned home, and become a good kind, helpful and understanding young boy.
The story shows the greatness of brotherhood which can be spread all over the world if everyone will only perform deeds of generosity and kindness. A person makes himself selfish, mean, and obnoxious because he wants to, unconsciously perhaps. It is also within his nature and power to remain good, kind and unselfish. The book also familiarizes the reader with the customs, superstitions and folklore of Sweden, country of the author.