Kenji Tagao, a Japanese farm body.
Taro, his brother.
The American missionary.
The Story:
Young Kenji Tagao and his family live on a prosperous farm in the fertile Omani valley in Japan. He does his chores, goes to school were he becomes the Kendo champion and wins a trip that sends his around the country. He sees the wonders of his native land, the beauty of cities and towns, the agriculture and industries everywhere.
Later disaster strikes Omani valley; a thypoon followed by a flood. The farmers lose their crops and properties; they become poor. Kenji's fatherloses his farm to a swindler, and the family is forces to go begging on the road. For a home they live under the bridge in the city of Kyoto.
Kenji's older brother, Taro, is arrested and thrown into prison while trying to get food for his hungry family. He comes out of prison a bitter man and a rabid communist. Taro vows revenge on selfish, heartless authorities, but Kenji prevents him from doing so.
Later, Kenji joins an enterprise to help the poor of Kyoto, and thereby gets information that will help the family regain their farm. Two kind Americans help them: a missionary who finds work for their father, and a school mate catcher on the school baseball team for which Kenji is a pitcher. The future becomes bright again for Kenji's family.
The book describes the beautiful countryside of Japan. It also tells us the fine traits, customs and characteristics of the Japanese people, especially their patience, industry, discipline and obedience of children to their parents and elders. It also gives a moral lesson: that a family must work hard for living, with the children helping their parents.