Heathcliff, a Liverfool foundling.
Hindley Earnshaw, owner of Wuthering Heights.
Catherine, Hindley's sister.
Isabella Linton, a neighbor's daughter.
The Novel:
Old Hindley Earnshaw, father of Hindley and Catherine, visited Liverpool and brought home to Wuthering Heights - a lonely farmhouse on the edge of a windy English moor - a dirty, blackhaired foundling whom they named Heathcliff.
The boy and Catherine became good friends, but brother Hindley didn't like him. When old man Earnshaw died, Hindley forced the foundling to live with the servants and worklike one. Growing up and loving each other, the two saw that Hindley tried to break up their love. Cathy left home, stayed five weeks with the neighboring kindly Lintons and became fast friends of Edgar and Isabella, the Linton children.
Secretly loving Heathcliff, Cathy married Edgar, her social level. Dissapointed, Heathcliff left Wuthering Heights, lived with widower Earnshaw and the latter's so Hareton. Through constant money advances, Heathcliff acquired the Linton estates, eloped with Isabella Linton; then the latter discovered that Heathcliff still loved Cathy.
Catherine gave birth to to baby Cathy; Isabella bore a son, young Linton. Heathcliff, scheming to units Wuthering Heights and the Linton's Thrushcross Grange, brought a luckless marriage between Cathy and Linton. The latter died after marriage; Heathcliff forbade Cathy from going out. But one winter morning they found Heathcliff dead in his room. Life became easier, happier at Wuthering Heights.
A somber, serious novel dealing with two families of two generations and how a cruel, heartless person conspired and schemed to destroy them and thereby please himself and satisfy his hatred. The author depicted how well she knows the secrets of a woman's heart, and the vindictiveness of a cruel man.