The Lark On The Wing

The Lark On The Wing
by Elfrida Vipont


Kit Haverard - dreams to become a singer
Laura Haverard - Kit’s relative
Terry Chauntesinger - co-singer of Kit
Papa Andreas - voice teacher
Laurence Cray - a kind young man

The Story:

A young girl from Heryot Friends School dreams to become a singer and don't want to be a secretary to his professor father. Though most of the time Laura Haverard, a close relative make fun of her thoughts. Also her other relatives always tell her that there’s no benefit in singing.

When his father got ill he brought him to the French town of Rosayac. While dining in a cafe, she was invited to sing and Kit graced the stage and sings few songs which amuse the happy listeners. Returning to England finally Kit was so happy to permit by his father study singing.

At London, she was hired as typist stenographer and after office hours she finds time to have a singing lesson to voice master Papa Andreas. Kit friend Laurence Cray and co-singer Terry Chauntesinger encouraged her to pursue her studies. She also got acquainted with Felix, an amateur singer who looks her a lot but he is just a friend to her. Laurence encourage her to sing few songs at Lady Hilbery-Wapentake home and after most audience greeted her tenderly. After then, she was offered to sing at the Silverbridge Chamber Concert Society that again mesmerized the heart of the audiences.

And not so soon, the well-known Cuthbert Hilliard of Seahaven Pavillon offered her to be part of symphony concerts. After singing "The Hill of the Lord" at the Heryot Festival, her singing career got brilliant. Sad news came, Laurence died in India, it makes her cry and sad. But all wounds heal, she then gave her heart to the one who encourage her in singing, Terry Chauntesinger.


This novel express courage to fulfill dreams though hindrance may come what’s important is you work to achieve it. Kit is charming lady who is willing to wait to make her dreams happen.