Beautiful Joe

by Marshall Saunders


Beautiful Joe - a little dog
Jenkins - the milkman
Harry Gray - a young man
Laura - the Morris daughter
Jack Morris - Joe’s protector

The Story:

There is a nasty milkman named Jenkins who owned a middle-sized brown dog named Beautiful Joe. His brutal master cut off his ears and tail when his mother died. Joe was fortunate that Harry Gray came along and took him out of Jenkins hands. Harry gave him to the kind Morris family.

His stay with the Morris family comforts Joe because they treated him well. He gains a long-lasting companionship with a little puppy named Billy. He is bright and amusing with his learned tricks from the Morris family. He also got close to birds, and a cat named Malta who is always frightened to a bully dog that Joe fought.

The Morris family became closer and loved Beautiful Joe after he run after Jenkins who intent to burn the Morris house. And not so long, policemen came and jail Jenkins.

Beautiful Joe stayed for more than a decade to the family. He witness when Harry married Laura then Jack his defender married a lovely girl named Bessy. He was also happy that he saw other children grown into decent people like the Morrises.


This is a beautiful story that shows love and just treatment to pets like dog. And in back this dog gave back the good deed they did and taught to him.